In the early periods of Chinese history people sat on mats or low platforms. Most furniture was small and low in keeping with the customs of the day. The display table would have been relatively unknown at the time. Over the centuries the chair became more popular and during the Song dynasty (960C.E. – 1279C.E.) the shift from mat to chair was virtually complete.
A consequence of this change in lifestyle was the development and evolution of new types of furniture that had decorative as well as functional roles. Display tables were one type of furniture that found a place in this new style of living and a range of different types came into fashion. This rectangular table would have been used to hold the family shrine and items of beauty including porcelain and jade. It could also have served as a writing table. The geometric spandrels are a motif of longevity spirals. The legs finish with inward horse hoof feet.
This Chinese antique display table has a light airy look and would sit right at home in bright light-filled rooms. You are welcome to come in and see this and other examples of the display table in our Canberra antique gallery. Read more about Chinese furniture here.